Price: 149.00 BYN

Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh castle, palace and park complex: the uniqueness of architecture and gardens, the richest owners of the Radziwills in Europe

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Nesvizh Castle is a palace and castle complex located near the small Belarusian town of Nesvizh, 120 km from Minsk (only about 2 hours of travel), and it is not for nothing that they are called the pearl of Belarusian architecture of the Middle Ages. Its rich history, beautiful architecture, park complex, carefully restored historical buildings have turned the castle into a historical and cultural center not only in Belarus, but also in Europe as a whole.

Nesvizh Castle is a closed complex of buildings that combine features of many architectural styles from Renaissance and Baroque to Art Nouveau and Neoclassicism. The palace, the arsenal, the southern and eastern galleries, where various exhibitions of museums of Belarus are presented (more than 30 exhibition halls work here), are open for visiting. Everyone can admire the magnificent parks, impregnable walls and the luxurious chambers of the aristocrats. Balls, reenactments of historical battles and knightly tournaments, concerts and theatrical performances are held here.

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