Price: 49.00 BYN

National Library of Belarus

National Library of Belarus - the main universal scientific library of Belarus

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The National Library is a visiting card of Belarus. Today it is not only the richest collection of books, but also a huge multifunctional center where high technologies, ultramodern design and unusual architecture are combined.

The main entrance is symbolically made in the form of an open book with images on the development of world and Slavic writing, as well as words from the Bible of Francysk Skaryna "The Kabby Daskanalym Bozhy Chalavek" in 19 languages ​​of the world. Works of contemporary Belarusian artists and sculptors were used in the interior design of the library. The authors of the NBB project and other famous structures - Viktor Kramarenko and Mikhail Vinogradov - are twice laureates of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus. National Library of Belarus today The main library of the country is a modern information, research, sociocultural and sociopolitical center. Card index of the library funds The director of the library is Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Roman Motulsky. The collection of the "diamond of knowledge" is about 9 million copies in various media. These are printed publications, manuscripts, microcopies of documents, electronic and other materials created in Belarus and other countries of the world in more than 80 languages.

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